2nd day ..
dear friends,
i am glad to announce that after this day, THERE WILL BE NO MORE BM and SEJARAH for ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHEE~~~~~~~~~~
last karangan written for life ( hopefully ) - "Rukun Negara Membentuk Rakyat Berkualiti"
so, during exam break i spotted this SUPERDUPERCOOL-bikerbabe-yaoyeng-not-your-average-teacher teacher. She has this amazing short SPIKY hair, dyed reddish goldish brown, left ear has 3 very very shiny earrings ( yes 3 !) and looked ultracool. all this in a school! and she's a teacher!! i cant imagine her teaching at kwang hua or at any other school.. should be a teacher that is cool with students ? we were sitting at the same table enjoying out respective milo and roti when my friends and i overheard her conversation with another examiner. the conversation as i remember is something like this :
(read the following with precise pronounciation with a hint of accent and poise)
" i notice that the girls sit on this side(points to left) and the boys sit on the other side (points to right). and there among the girls is a boy (points to boy sitting among the girls). Interesting. and yesterday, i saw *something something something i forgot* . the girl was HUGGING the boy. intersting. "
then she continues to blab about the exam papers. i covering my face with a book was laughing all the way when she was voicing out her observations. a very observant teacher she is. LoL. she is very cool though.. cool enough for one to GASP when find out that she is a teacher!!!
i hope she enters my class soon!
talking about examiners, there was a guy examiner who entered my class yesterday. Kinda cool, looked kinda handsome ( a tiny bit) but he very very d lan si. sad.
other than that, the other examiners that i have met so far are quite friendly and nice. i wonder how they are at their school with their students?
this 2 days, everybody so so so busy cramming every last info until the very last second. me? super high. LOL cant concentrate on the freaking book so i talked and laughed and played non-stop with my friends and Mr. Ultraman~ so relaxs~ whee~~~ then i turned around and see my friend so busy studying,so stressed and scary, i go kacau them. sorry la wei but study last second no use one u should RELAX!!!!
conclusion? spm time, fun when morning, hell at night!!
3 more weeks to go. wish me great luck!
13 years ago
hey meifong... can i link u to my blog? easier to visit ur blog .... :)
hey. u forgot to mention bout an examiner who we named her as miss pushpamala's cousin. lol. her appearance, name, her heng.. its like clone of miss pushpa. bt she fairer. lol.
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